
Welcome to my unofficial website for "The Works", the unfinished film from the 1980s that could have been the first fully-CGI-animated film.
This website is best viewed on a desktop computer. Enjoy your stay!

The Works translucent logo with moving robotic parts inside

Questions, complaints, suggestions, contributions? Feel free to e-mail me at LucidLunarBeast [at] gmail [dot] com, or message me on any of my social medias.

A grid of various CGI scenes of robots and humans

▲ Image from Paul Heckbert (www.cs.cmu.edu/~ph/nyit/), showcasing a variety of graphics made by the New York Institute of Technology's Computer Graphics Lab.

Update history

11 June 2024

  • Added a new page at /films.html . This will be a rough list of other films made at the NYIT CGL! Not much is there right now, but I've been writing the page for a while and figured I would drop the first few films I have. I have yet to link this anywhere...
  • Added a couple new hand-drawn graphics.

4 June 2024

  • Revamped the Resources page. Instead of being split into sections Articles, Videos, Sites, Books, and Misc; now it's Print [articles or books], Online articles, Videos, and Sites. (The Misc section was shuffled to other appropriate sections.)
  • Added a couple new resources, as well as some images to break up all that text.

1 June 2024

  • Updated the Characters page: Added an image to Wilbur's section, tweaked the names on some robots, and split up Humpty's section into both Humpty and an Unnamed robot.

31 May 2024

  • Added another video, the 1980 Teaser, to the Resources page. Edited the paragraph on Slow Things Down to specify that it's from a larger movie.
  • To expand on my previous note: I'm not going to be releasing materials on my lonesome, but the people who have shared them with me are hoping to release them publicly eventually. It's a work in progress! Stay tuned!

22 March 2024

  • Added the names of robots to the Characters page. (Some awesome people have shared some production materials with me, and while I don't plan on releasing them myself, I figured I'd at least add some more official names to the page!)
  • Added the junkayrd robot to the list of characters.

17 March 2024

  • Added some concept art images (and an extra image of Clyde) to the Characters page.
  • Added the Array image to the front page. Livens up the place a little!
  • Spiffied up some CSS stylings and minor edits of text throughout the site.

16 March 2024

  • Added two new videos to the Resources page: Strawberry Fields (another project from the Computer Graphics Lab) and Painting by Numbers (a 1981 episode of Horizons which focuses on CGI technology of the time- thanks agrenero6 on YouTube for sharing).

14 March 2024

  • Updated the Resources page with 3 new sources (Interface, Moving Innovation, and Creative Computer Graphics)- two of which are books and one of those is available online. Thank you Ziggy Cashmere for sharing!

26 December 2023

  • Changed the sources on the "About" page to lead to footnotes including the quote & source, instead of needing to roll over the note with a mouse.
  • Fixed a typo of someone's name on "Resources".

5 September 2023

  • Replaced some images on the Characters page (specifically anything that was taken from the construction clip that could be taken in higher quality. If you notice an image with "hq" in the file name, you can see the older version by taking the "_hq" out).
  • Added a link to my blog on the About page for fun.

31 August 2023

  • Adding more images to the Characters page...
  • Tweaked wording on the Resources & About pages (to include the uploader of the Script and change formatting of a video's link)

30 August 2023

  • Added two links: the construction clip in better quality, and an isolated clip of the ant featured in a demo.
  • Added a bit to Slow Things Down's section (of an inexplicable similarity to 3DV I just realized).

17 July 2023

  • The link to 3DV broke, but thankfully I found another upload of it (longer and higher quality too!). Feel free to let me know if any links break.
  • Expanded 3DV's entry

4 May 2023

  • Long time no see! Specified that Beeper is a teenager.
  • Changed the wording in the site description (only visible when sharing a link).
  • Put an outline on buttons to make them pop out (and inward when rolled over).
  • Replaced Bulldog (in the sidebar) on some pages with various characters.

5 December 2022

  • Made the button for the script larger.
  • Removed the Construction bot from this page (bye!)

19 June 2022

  • Uploaded the script in text form! Now it can be read in a browser.

27 May 2022

  • The script is back up on Drive under a different link, whoopee! So the Resources page has been updated again.

24 May 2022

  • Added 3DV to the list of videos

21 May 2022

  • Added Navigation panel to the Characters page
  • Added Script button even though I haven't finished converting it to text yet
  • It seems the script is no longer available on Google Drive, so the Resources page has been edited to reflect that. ::-[

20 May 2022

  • Edited Navigation panel yet again
  • Added the updated panel to more pages for consistency

22 April 2022

  • Fiddled with the Navigation panel
  • Made buttons fancier

20 April 2022

  • Aligned text on the About page to the left because I think it's easier to read that way
  • Added a graphic to the 404 page

19 April 2022

  • Finished bios for all characters with images! (There are a few characters from the script not on that page... Yet)
  • Reorganized some things on the Resources page slightly
  • Added tables of contents

18 April 2022

  • Still editing Characters but I think I'm almost done...
  • Added a "No image" image (lol)
  • Edited About page with some more info

15 April 2022

  • Chugging away at the Characters page
  • Added a link to the download of the script to Resources

14 April 2022

  • Tweaked several pages
  • Created "Characters" page & changed its CSS
  • Added more info to the About page, including a Credits section
  • Slowly adding tables of contents...

13 April 2022

  • Added a Navigation panel
  • Added more resources
  • Changed link colours
  • Created "About" page

12 April 2022

  • Created "Resources" page
  • Added my own button ::~]
  • Added this Update panel

11 April 2022

  • Website created!
  • Added background

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The Works Fansite button

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Fortis Arbor button
Website est. April 11th, 2022, by Fortis Arbor. Powered by NeoCities.org.